Monday, November 22, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!

The sound of jingling bells and smell of evergreen Christmas Trees greeted us on Friday as we went to visit Santa Claus, for the 1st time ever!  There were scores of smiling children behind us in line, as we had a short wait to meet Santa, because he just arrived back from feeding his reindeer.

The jolly North Pole native sat in his big plush green sofa with a large Christmas tree decorated behind him at the at the JC Penny's entrance at SW Plaza Mall.  Santa was wearing his customary bright red suit, the white-bearded Saint Nicholas with all the wide-eyed admirers. Santa had barely settled in his dark plush green comfortable high-back chair when Baby Emma was placed on his lap. As Emma looked up and eyed Santa with the hint of a grin and surprise look on her face, I think Santa was just as happy to hold her as Santa had a look of amazement on his face as he looked down on her.  I am not sure what Emma whispered to Santa while she was on his lap, probably what she wanted for Christmas.  However, I think Santa was very grateful I picked her up out of his arm, because she immediately decided to spit-up on her cute outfit, after the photo was taken.  Good thing it missed Santa! 

Make this holiday season a special one as the Cox's have a fun new exciting reason to celebrate with a their healthy happy baby girl Emma!  I am pretty sure Emma, is already a big fan of the Santa and she will be writing him notes and leaving him chocolate chip cookies and letters of all her wishes very soon.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wow, where does the time go now days? Someone once said, "The days are sure long but the years are short".  I know she is only 12 weeks old now, but there sure is some truth to that saying! 
Pookey (which has been her nickname from Chris) is just fantastic and sweetheart!  She is sleeping from about 8:30 p.m.-7 a.m., which is WONDERFUL for her Momma and takes a couple naps during the day!  She is sure a little cutie pie with her smiles everyday.  She loves to watch her Baby Einstein Symphony DVD and she gets SO excited on all the bright colors and the teddy bears that are on the TV.  She giggles and puts her arms up in the air.  Emma also loves going shopping with me at the Baby Gap....Um, they even know my name at Baby Gap now.  I think I might have a Baby Gap problem ;-).  Emma is starting to reach for items and is also batting at the mobiles in her swing and bouncy chair.  She is stuffing her whole hand in her mouth these days (which as we know, Momma is a germaphobe, so I try not to have a heart attack when I see her doing this).  She also smiles when we walk in the room or ask her who the prettiest girl in the world might be, she puts on a big grin and giggles.  Chris and I swear she can say the word "yeah", when we ask her a question.  HA! 
Emma and Chris is Great Bend, KS

Meow!  Emma's 1st Halloween!
We know the time is drawing near where she moves to her crib in her adorable decorated room.  However, I just can't believe it is about time to make the change. I have thought about moving the crib into our bedroom, even though we have the video monitor with night vision.  I am just afraid I will not hear her, if I am down the hall.  Emma is a little quirt and probably about 10 lbs.  We are still in the Newborn swaddle diapers.  I think most babies outgrow these within a couple weeks.  She is very long and thin and size 1 diapers are just huge on her.   
Chris and Emma at Emma's Grandma Irene's House in Great Bend, KS
 Emma has been a little traveler and has been to KS a few times and thinking of taking a Hawaii vacation this spring.  She travels awesome in the car but not sure by air yet.  On her road trips, she has met a ton of her extended family and even her Great-Grandma a few times in KS and had to say goodbye to her Great-Grandpa Ray on October 21st. 
Emma and Grandpa Skip Allen
Emma, Grandma Orlena Allen, and Great Grandma Irene Morgan
Emma and some of her 2nd cousins
Gavin and Baby Emma
I think it is my turn to hold her! 
Emma and my Cousin Jennifer
Chris swaddling Emma... yes on a car!

Her Grandma & Grandpa Allen have been out her to visit her, they flew out here the weekend of Nov. 12th, just to see her.  She had fun snuggling with them and Emma was chatting with them a lot.  As soon as Emma woke up, Grandma was up and ready to take her in her arms (which was awesome, so I could go back to sleep).  Chris and I have decided when Emma starts to talk, she will probably never stop chatting (you know, sort of like her Momma).  LOL!   
Emma and Grandpa Skip talking

Wally, Teiah, and Emma
Well as we count our blessings this Thanksgiving, The Cox's are thankful for our new little bundle of joy in our lives.  We can't imagine life without her and she brightens each and everyday and are blessed to have her in our life.
Emma & her Daddy
Night night time and Baby Emma has on her Pj''s!
Emma and her smiles
Cheers & Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We have a Roller!

It's a thrill for parents, seeing the first time their baby smiles, grabs, rolls over, and progresses through the whole range of developmental milestones.  However, last night Miss Emma impressed us all last night by doing some her daily tummy time and rolling over!   We were not expecting it to happen.  It is not like when I was teaching my late dog, Purdy, to roll over as an 8 week old puppy and I had to give her a box of doggie treats in order for it to occur.  It just happened!  Chris and I were in disbelief as Miss Emm's was entertaining us while we sat down for Dinner.  Emma was doing her daily tummy time; first Emma lifted herself into a push-up position and then starts to rock back and forth or kicks her feet. Then, she made it to her left side for a few minutes and seemed a little startled by her actions and cried for a few minutes.  After that, she flipped to her back and was happy baby again! 

I tried again this morning to see if it was fluke, and she accomplished it again!  We are impressed with our one month old baby and her milestones she has reached.  She is about 2 months ahead of schedule of turning over.   Maybe it was lugging her to aerobics classes in my belly with me up until a week before my due date and still working out and doing aerobic classes?  J        

I keep telling my Monica (Mother-In-Law) that we will have a crawling baby by Christmas.  We shall see if the little Stinker will side with Grandma Miceli (AKA-Granny) or her Momma.  I will break out the Flip Camera this week and try and catch some video. 

Cheers and Enjoy the 90 degree heat again today in the Mile High City

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor & beginning of Miss Emma!

Labor was about 20 hours long...I say "about" because my water broke before I totally realized it at 8 a.m., when I woke up and hopped out of bed on Thursday, August 26, 2010. We went to the Dr. at 11:30 a.m. to confirm that my water was actually leaking/broke, which it was broke. My Doctor wanted me to go directly to the hospital. However, I was not having contractions. So, Chris and I decided to go to lunch at Red Robin, since I knew I would need the strength for labor of a natural child birth and the hospital would not allow me to have any food. I also called my Mom & Dad, so they could leave Kansas. After lunch, we came home and I took another shower, packed the car, and Chris took a nap. After he woke up from his nap, we went for a long walk around the neighborhood trying to get the contractions to start mid afternoon. I had a Voice Message from my Doctor about 4:00 p.m. wondering where in the world I was since she noticed in the computer system I didn’t check into the hospital. We finally decided to leave for the hospital about 6:15 p.m., during rush hour traffic and my contractions were about 4 1/2 minutes apart. We stayed away from the hospital as long as possible because of our desire to have a natural childbirth and to use the HypnoBirthing Method.

Once we arrived at the hospital at 7 p.m., everyone was expecting our arrival about 7 hours before we actually showed up. Once we were at St. Joseph Hospital, the nurse and doctors didn’t want to check my cervix to see where I was dilated because my water had been broke for a long time and they were all afraid of increasing risks of an infection.

By 8:00 p.m., there were no breaks with my contractions and they were one on top of another. We were surprised the Dr.’s and Nurses never wanted to check my cervix when we asked, because how close my contractions were. They told us everyone has contractions different and they didn’t want to check my cervix. Which looking back, I was fully dilated by 8 p.m. and at 10 centimeters! My Parents arrived about 9 p.m. and I could barely speak to say hello and was in constant pain from the contractions. At midnight, the pain was SO bad…all I could say is the word “EPIDURAL!”. I was in so much pain, I didn’t know your body could handle and all I could do is moan and groan from the intense pain and tried to use HypnoBirthing.

Looking back, I was dilated from 8 p.m.-Midnight at 10 Centimeters and my cervix was never checked. At midnight, she asked if I wanted it checked right before they did the epidural and I was in so much pain and the thought of a hand going up there to check, sounded horrible! I declined and said “Epidural Please NOW! Chris was by my side when they administered the Epidural, which I couldn’t feel because the labor pain was so intense. All family members in the waiting room were relived when they heard I was getting it, because they could see how much pain I was in during labor.

After about 10 minutes after the epidural, the nurse decided to check the status of my cervix…and she said “OMG Teiah, no wonder you’re in so much pain…you’re at 10 centimeters, it’s time to push honey, Chris go get the family!” So, all the family gathered in the large birthing room and with 1 Doctor. I pushed and pushed and pushed…No Emma. Finally, after about hour of pushing they realized Miss Emma was like a corkscrew and stuck, and she was coming out sunny side up. I took a 5 minute break while the Nurse & Dr. went and called 2 more Doctors into the room.  The 3 different Doctors at some point had their arms in me up to their elbows for 3 hours straight trying to manually turn Emma into the correct position. I pushed, pushed, and pushed, no Emma. Emma would turn and then slip back in the incorrect position. I finally had a temperature of 100.6, which is starting to show signs of an infection due to the water breaking for such a long time. Finally at 4:15 a.m. with all 3 Doctors attempting to turn her and pushing 4 hours and 15 minutes straight, they figured out that she was not coming out and that my pelvis was too small is why she wouldn’t stay turned. They were one sentence away from the “C-Word”, and we asked what else we could do. Chris and I watched the Doctors faces and kept shaking their heads in disbelief and looking at each other but not saying much. The main Doctor suggested that first we try the Vacuum. At that point, there were a total of 17 people in the room, yes 17 people (8 family members, 3 Doctors, and 6 nurses)! We all knew something was going to happen, one way or another when all the nurses came into the room. One of the Doctors got the vacuum setup and ready. I started to push, push, push, push, etc. and the Doctors started to pull on Emma’s head, like she was picking up a car or like playing tug of war.  The Dr.'s ended up doing an episiotomy (I ended up with a 2nd Degree tear even after the episiotomy). Finally, Miss Emma made her debut into the World at 4:32 A.M. and everyone was thrilled for her to be healthy and apart of our lives! Emma Parker Cox was 7 lbs. 8.6 oz., 19” long!

The only drugs I used were the Epidural for her birth. I always hoped I could have done it 100% naturally, but I made it until 10 centimeters for a long time and what matters most is that we have a healthy Baby Girl! During my labor the Nurse and Dr’s. suggested that we use Pitocin during Emma’s birth, but we politely declined. It would have probably would have ended up in a emergency C-Section.

Miss Emma scored a 9 out 10 on the Apgar Test (no baby in Colorado scores a 10, due to the high altitude and 9 is the highest level in Colorado). She was not jaundice. She had perfect skin and appears to be a perfect healthy baby girl. She had a good size bruise on the back of her little head from the vacuum, but it has since healed.

The past week and half have been life changing for Chris and myself. We are so thankful my Mom & Dad were able to stay a week and help us adjust to our new life with Emma.  Chris and I never knew our love for each other could grow and bring us closer together. Lastly, we never knew we could love Miss Emma so much (even though she likes to be awake from 2 a.m. – 5 a.m.). She is our “Hawaiian Souvenir Princess”.

Btw, Chris and I joke that Emma is available for rent from 2 a.m.-5 a.m. Rates are VERY cheap. Interested parties, please inquire.  ;)

Cheers and love!

Teiah & Chris

P.S. All of you taking bets... I have only gagged twice since Emma's birth. The first occurred at her 1st poopy diaper change and the second time occurred time when Emma vomited all over Chris.
Grandma Orlena Allen
Grandma Monica Miceli (Granny)
Grandpa Gil Miceli (Bepa)

Grandpa Skip Allen

Teiah showing Emma her room and all the pink!

Miss Emma & quilt Grandma Orlena made her
Chris, Emma, and Mellow at 4 a.m. the first night at home. 
Coming home from the hospital on Sunday, August 29th

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Emma's Due Date

WOW, 9 months ago...we were Livin' the Dream on our annual Thanksgiving Vacation to Maui. favorite place in the World! Last Thanksgiving, we were sipping on some yummy cocktails, sitting on the beach in search for a quick glimpse of whale and enjoying a priceless Maui Sunset.

Well, here we are...August 22, 2010 and today is the magical due date for Miss Emma Parker Cox. However, Miss Emma is not in sight. Well, actually she is in sight, as I look down on my massive belly.

We have everything squared away for her nursery and everything we could possibly ever need for this tiny baby that is about to change our lives. We have the house spotles and all the baby items self-contained to her room. She has a wardrobe that most adults would really die to have.  She even has her own Baby Patagoina Coat for her 1st Colorado winter.   There is nothing that this baby is lacking.

I am such a planner and wish we knew when she would actually arrive. She will arrive within the 2 weeks, at the latest.

A cute little boy that lives a few doors down from us asked me last month as he was loving on our dog Wally, when I was going to the hospital to pick up my baby. HA! I wish it was that easy.

Stay tuned....