Sunday, August 22, 2010

Emma's Due Date

WOW, 9 months ago...we were Livin' the Dream on our annual Thanksgiving Vacation to Maui. favorite place in the World! Last Thanksgiving, we were sipping on some yummy cocktails, sitting on the beach in search for a quick glimpse of whale and enjoying a priceless Maui Sunset.

Well, here we are...August 22, 2010 and today is the magical due date for Miss Emma Parker Cox. However, Miss Emma is not in sight. Well, actually she is in sight, as I look down on my massive belly.

We have everything squared away for her nursery and everything we could possibly ever need for this tiny baby that is about to change our lives. We have the house spotles and all the baby items self-contained to her room. She has a wardrobe that most adults would really die to have.  She even has her own Baby Patagoina Coat for her 1st Colorado winter.   There is nothing that this baby is lacking.

I am such a planner and wish we knew when she would actually arrive. She will arrive within the 2 weeks, at the latest.

A cute little boy that lives a few doors down from us asked me last month as he was loving on our dog Wally, when I was going to the hospital to pick up my baby. HA! I wish it was that easy.

Stay tuned....